The Spy Coast
"The Spy Coast" by Tess Gerritsen is a captivating blend of suspense, thriller, and fiction. The narrative introduces us to Maggie Bird, a retired CIA operative who has settled in the peaceful village of Purity, Maine, after a career that spanned across various global locations like Bangkok, Istanbul, London, and Malta.
Her quiet life, however, is disrupted when a body is found in her driveway, signaling that her past as a spy has not been forgotten. At the heart of the story is Maggie's struggle with the ghosts of her past.
After a mission went tragically wrong, she retired early and has been living a cautious life on her chicken farm, wary of any blowback from her past actions. The appearance of the body in her driveway forces her to confront these fears head-on. She knows it's a message from former foes who still remember her.
Maggie turns to her local circle of friends, all of whom are retired CIA operatives like herself, forming what they call the "Martini Club." Despite their retirement, they possess useful skills that they're eager to employ once more.